Produce Spotlight: Peaches

There is something so satisfying about harvesting and cooking the food you prepare. Knowing exactly how food goes from ground to plate makes me appreciate all of the flavors so much more. I was able to experience that this weekend when I went peach picking (mask on and distanced). We loaded up an entire basket of peaches and spent the whole way home thinking of ways to use them this week.

Peaches are fresh and in season right now in the areas surrounding St. Louis – so it is the best time to revisit the benefits of this juicy stone fruit and try some recipes at home.

Benefits of Peaches

  • Peaches are a hydrating fruit. IA few weeks ago we talked about the benefits of foods to load up on during the summer to stay hydrated. Peaches are one of them!
  • They are a good source of fiber. When you enjoy peaches with the skin on, you benefit from all of the fiber to help with gut health and digestion.
  • Peaches are high in Potassium and Vitamins C and A. Potassium is linked with lowering blood pressure and regulate blood sugar. Vitamin C and A both boost the immune system.

Today is a great day to enjoy a peach!